The Future of Network Operations: Automation, Intent-Based Networking, and DevOps

We can’t talk about the future of network operations without talking about change. The world of network operations is evolving to meet new demands, greater scale, and higher efficiencies. The changes we’re seeing largely fall into three high-level categories: Automation, intent-based networking, and DevOps. Across these three, orchestration and observability are crucial requirements. In sum, these developments are reshaping how we run our networks, offering new efficiencies and capabilities that were previously only dreamed of by most of us.

Automation and Intent-Based Networking: A New Era

We’re moving past the days of manual configurations, entering a realm where networks adjust based on our needs. The key advancement here lies within a methodology that we call “intent-based networking” or IBN. Imagine network systems that follow your objectives without the hassle of manual setups (think imperative instead of declarative instructions). This is not a distant future—it’s becoming a reality today.

Intent-based networking allows networks to align more directly with your organizational goals. It works by translating high-level business objectives into network configurations, which means the systems are more accurate, scalable, and flexible. This adaptability is critical for meeting the ever-changing demands of businesses, which more and more often require quick responses to market changes or operational needs.

The shift towards automation can also be traced back to the need for more reliable and efficient network operations. Automation minimizes human error and ensures that repetitive tasks are carried out consistently and correctly. When combined with intent-based networking, automation allows for dynamic adjustments to network performance and security policies, ensuring optimal operation without constant human intervention.

The Emergence of NetDevOps

Next, we have “NetDevOps,” which merges network operations with DevOps principles. Though it’s a topic of debate, integrating DevOps into network operations clearly streamlines processes, speeds up deployments, and improves troubleshooting.

NetDevOps fosters a culture of collaboration between development and operations teams. This collaborative approach breaks down silos, enabling faster and more reliable deployment of network services, both in the cloud and on-premises. By adopting DevOps methodologies, network operations can achieve continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), ensuring that updates and new features are rolled out efficiently and with fewer issues (bugs).

Moreover, NetDevOps encourages the use of infrastructure as code (IaC), which allows network configurations to be managed through code. This approach enhances consistency and traceability, making it easier to manage and replicate environments. It also facilitates the automation of testing and validation processes, ensuring that changes are thoroughly vetted before being deployed.

The Changing Role of Network Engineers

These advancements are changing the role of network engineers. Today’s engineers need to know more than just configuring and troubleshooting; they must also master new tools and technologies. However, understanding the basics of network infrastructure remains crucial.

Automation, cloud, and DevOps solutions are transformative, but they can’t replace the need for a solid foundation in network principles. Engineers must balance adopting new tools with maintaining their core knowledge. This balance ensures that they can leverage new technologies effectively while being prepared to address fundamental network issues that might arise.

On top of this core knowledge, the most successful network engineers of the future will be at least literate, if not proficient in the scripting and programming used to automate tasks and manage configurations. To paraphrase economist Richard Baldwin; automation won’t take your job, but someone using automation might. Conversely, someone who truly understands network protocols may beat out the flashy developer who lacks that foundation. Everyone can’t know everything, and a great NetDevOps team will include folks with differentiated expertise and experience. Still, they must all speak the same language to be successful together.

This specialization and requirement of a collaborative and balanced team of varying expertise will likely lead more and more businesses to outsource their network automation and/or operations to network as a service providers focused specifically on excellence in this narrow area of digital infrastructure.

Thriving in the Future of Network Operations

At FullCtl, we see the potential of these trends to transform network operations. To stay ahead, companies must adapt, evolve, and equip their network engineers with the right skills and tools. This means investing in training and development to ensure that teams are proficient in the latest technologies and methodologies.

As network operations evolve, FullCtl is at the forefront, driving the industry forward. We are committed to providing solutions that leverage automation, intent-based networking, and DevOps to create more agile, efficient, and resilient networks. Our goal is to help businesses navigate this transformation and thrive in the new era of network management.

Join us in shaping the future of network management. Together, we can embrace these changes and harness their potential to create networks that are more responsive, reliable, and capable of meeting the demands of the modern business landscape.

Want More?

Check out our NetDevOps Primer for more of the history and building blocks you need to know before you get started leveraging modern tools and methodologies to build and operate your own intent based network (IBN).

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