Essential Skills for NetDevOps Success

NetDevOps has emerged as a crucial field that blends network management with DevOps principles. Achieving success in this domain requires a comprehensive set of skills that span several technical areas. This article delves into the essential skills for NetDevOps engineering success, focusing on areas like networking (duh!), Linux command-line proficiency, version control, scripting languages, and systems engineering.

Understanding NetDevOps

NetDevOps is a transformative approach that integrates network management with the collaborative principles of DevOps, aiming to enhance the agility, efficiency, and reliability of network operations. This methodology emphasizes automation, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, bringing together the traditionally siloed roles of network engineers and software developers.

In a NetDevOps environment, the skills needed are typically spread across a team, ensuring that expertise in networking, coding, and systems management is leveraged collaboratively. Each team member brings specialized knowledge to the table, complementing each others talents. This collaborative approach not only streamlines network operations but also fosters innovation and adaptability in rapidly changing technological landscapes. As we explore the essential skills required for NetDevOps, it’s important to understand how these competencies collectively contribute to the integration and operation of complex network systems.

Networking Fundamentals

A strong foundation in networking is indispensable for a NetDevOps engineer. Mastery over networking involves understanding various protocols and configurations. Engineers must be adept at working with network devices and possess a keen insight into the limitations that different vendors might present. This knowledge ensures that engineers can design and operate robust network infrastructures that meet organizational needs.

Some key components of networking:

  • Protocols: Familiarity with protocols such as TCP/IP, BGP, OSPF, IS-IS, EVPN, and many others depending on your specific infrastructure, is crucial for managing network traffic efficiently.
  • Device Management: Hands-on experience with routers, switches, and firewalls helps in practical network implementation and especially interoperability.
  • Vendor Limitations: Understanding the specific challenges and limitations associated with different network hardware and software is essential for effective network design.
  • Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting is a fundamental skill in networking, vital for identifying and resolving issues that can disrupt operations. It involves using systematic problem-solving techniques and a variety of tools to diagnose and address network problems effectively.

Mastering the Linux Command-Line Interface

The Linux command-line interface (CLI) is a vital tool in a NetDevOps engineer’s arsenal. Proficiency in the Linux CLI allows for efficient data manipulation and system management. Tools such as grep, sed, and awk are integral for parsing files and processing data streams, enabling engineers to automate routine tasks and streamline workflows.

A few essential Linux CLI tools:

  • Grep: Used for searching text and patterns within files.
  • Sed: Facilitates text transformations on an input stream.
  • Awk: A powerful programming language for data extraction and reporting.

Version Control with Git

Version control is fundamental in managing code and configurations within a DevOps environment. Git, a distributed version control system, is essential for tracking changes and collaborating with team members. A NetDevOps engineer must be skilled in using Git to ensure seamless integration and deployment of network configurations and scripts.

Basics for Git proficiency:

  • Branching and Merging: Handling multiple development tracks and integrating changes.
  • Commit Management: Maintaining a detailed history of changes for accountability and rollback.
  • Collaboration: Facilitating teamwork through pull requests and code reviews.

Scripting Languages

Proficiency in scripting languages such as Python, Bash, and Go is critical for automation and interaction with APIs. Scripting enables engineers to automate repetitive tasks, manage configurations, and integrate various tools and platforms, thereby enhancing operational efficiency.

Important scripting languages for network management:

  • Python: Python is a powerhouse in the scripting world, renowned for its clean and readable syntax, which makes it accessible to both beginners and seasoned developers. Its extensive libraries and frameworks provide a vast array of options for automating network tasks, from simple scripts to complex network management systems. Python’s versatility is unmatched, allowing for rapid development and deployment of network automation solutions that can adapt to a wide range of operational needs.
  • Bash: Bash is an indispensable tool for anyone working in Unix-based environments, serving as the backbone for scripting and automation tasks. Its command-line efficiency is unrivaled, making it ideal for managing system operations with precision and speed. Bash scripts are essential for automating routine tasks, handling file operations, and executing complex workflows, ensuring that network processes run smoothly and without interruption.
  • Go: Known for its remarkable efficiency and robust concurrency features, Go is an excellent choice for developing high-performance network applications. Its ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously makes it particularly well-suited for modern network environments that demand quick and reliable processing of concurrent operations. Go’s performance benefits are evident in its capacity to execute network processes swiftly, reducing latency and enhancing the overall responsiveness of network services.

Don’t Forget

While mastering primary scripting languages like Python, Bash, and Go is crucial, it’s important not to overlook other essential tools and models that play a significant role in network automation and configuration management.

More tools and models to be aware of:

  • Ansible: An open-source automation tool that simplifies configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. Ansible uses a simple, human-readable language to describe automation jobs, making it accessible and efficient for managing complex network systems.
  • Jinja: A templating engine for Python, Jinja is invaluable for generating dynamic configurations and scripts. It is particularly useful in conjunction with Ansible, where it allows for the creation of reusable and adaptable templates.
  • YAML: A data serialization standard that is easy to read and write, YAML is often used to define configurations in a structured format. It is widely used in conjunction with tools like Ansible to manage configurations and streamline processes.
  • YANG: A data modeling language utilized to define the structure of network configuration and state data, YANG is integral to the functionality of NETCONF and RESTCONF. It provides a standardized way to model network device configurations, ensuring consistency and efficiency in network management.
  • OpenConfig: A significant initiative that represents a collaborative effort among network operators to develop vendor-neutral data models for efficient network management. Its primary goal is to standardize network configurations across different platforms, thus enhancing interoperability and simplifying the complexities of network operations.

These items complement the primary scripting languages by providing additional functionality and flexibility in automating network operations and managing configurations, reinforcing the overall efficiency and cohesion of a NetDevOps environment.

Leveraging APIs for Network Automation

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become indispensable tools for facilitating communication and configuration across modern network environments. APIs allow for seamless integration and interaction between different software applications, making it easier to automate network tasks and manage configurations efficiently.

Key API protocols:

  • REST (Representational State Transfer): A widely used API protocol that leverages HTTP methods to enable communication between systems. REST is known for its simplicity and scalability, making it a popular choice for interacting with web-based applications and services.
  • NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol): Designed specifically for network devices, NETCONF provides mechanisms to install, manipulate, and delete the configuration of network devices. It utilizes XML for data encoding, offering a robust solution for network management.
  • RESTCONF: A protocol that combines the simplicity of REST with the capabilities of NETCONF. RESTCONF provides a REST-like interface for accessing data defined in YANG through a web interface, making it ideal for modern network devices that support YANG models.

Despite the advancement of these modern protocols, Secure Shell (SSH) remains a crucial tool for accessing many legacy devices that lack modern API support. SSH provides a secure channel over an unsecured network, enabling engineers to manage and configure devices that have yet to transition to more advanced API-driven interfaces. This versatility in handling different network systems is essential for a NetDevOps engineer, ensuring compatibility and operational efficiency across diverse network environments.

Systems Engineering and Virtualization

Understanding systems engineering, including virtualization technologies, is crucial for managing modern network environments. Virtualization allows for efficient resource utilization and isolation of applications. Knowledge of tools such as Proxmox for managing virtual machines (VMs) and Podman for container orchestration is vital for a NetDevOps engineer.

Good to know virtualization technologies:

  • Proxmox: An open-source platform for managing VMs and containers.
  • Podman: A tool for running and managing containers without a daemon.

Integrating Kubernetes into NetDevOps

Kubernetes can play a pivotal role in the NetDevOps landscape by streamlining the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Its orchestration capabilities can be leveraged to ensure that network services are deployed consistently and efficiently across diverse environments. By automating these processes, Kubernetes optimizes resource utilization and enhances the reliability of network operations. This often makes it an invaluable tool for managing complex workloads, complementing other tools and practices within a NetDevOps framework to drive innovation and operational efficiency.


A NetDevOps engineer must possess a diverse skill set that includes networking fundamentals, Linux CLI expertise, Git proficiency, scripting ability, and a deep understanding of virtualization technologies. By mastering these areas, engineers can effectively automate and orchestrate network operations, driving innovation and efficiency within their organizations.

Of course, FullCtl can help you augment these skills, providing network operations and/or network automation as a service - along with many other services and tools to kick-start your automation journey.

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