Embracing NetDevOps through Collaboration

As we’ve recently discussed, the world of network operations is changing, and adapting to new technologies and methodologies is essential for staying ahead. One term that’s being thrown around a bunch lately is NetDevOps—a convergence of network operations with DevOps principles.

Today we’ll delve into the feasibility of becoming a true NetDevOps engineer, the importance of building cross-functional NetDevOps teams, and some practical steps for smaller companies to adopt this model.

The Evolving Role of Network Engineers

The role of network engineers is changing dramatically. Today’s most successful network engineers need more than just the ability to configure and troubleshoot network devices; they must also master new tools and technologies. Proficiency in tools traditionally associated with developers, such as Git and the Linux CLI, is now essential. While you may not be an expert, understanding these tools will help to enhance team communication and collaboration - through speaking the same language - thus boosting productivity and efficiency.

The era of isolated knowledge has ended; modern network engineers must be “pitchfork engineers“—professionals with deep expertise in one area and competency in others. This multidisciplinary approach fosters collaboration and drives innovation, making it easier to manage complex network environments.

That said, network engineers must balance adopting new tools with maintaining their core knowledge. Deeply understanding network protocols, technologies, and infrastructure remains crucial, and paramount. This required balance ensures that an engineer can leverage new technologies effectively while being prepared to address fundamental network issues. It also means that in all but the rarest cases, network engineers are not going to become “Unicorns” who are experts at networking, and systems administration, and DevOps, and software development.

The Importance of NetDevOps Teams

And that is why, at the organizational level, forming a NetDevOps team is crucial for success in network automation. These teams should blend network engineers, systems engineers / DevOps engineers, and developers, each bringing specialized skills to the table. Since we cannot expect one human to perform all of the needed tasks at an expert level, there is a critical need for cross-functional expertise to enhance network operations.

We’d go as far as to say that building a collaborative, multi-disciplinary NetDevOps team is no longer optional—it’s a strategic necessity. Why? Business agility.

Business agility is not about one product or one service or one layer in your technology stack. It’s a chain where one weak (less agile) link can cause the whole of your business to be less competitive. For a very long time our networks have been a major challenge to agility. We cannot let our networks remain stumbling blocks for digital infrastructure innovation. Modern networks must instead challenge this paradigm. They must provide both traditional network reliability and modern digital agility - through enhanced network operations (aka automation).

Practical Steps for Smaller Companies

Supporting “full-stack” NetDevOps teams can be challenging, especially for smaller companies (that’s a lot of salaries!). However, several practical steps can help ease this transition:

  1. Invest in Training: Ensure your team is proficient in the latest technologies and methodologies. Investing in training and development is key to staying ahead in the evolving network landscape.
  2. Foster Collaboration: Encourage a culture of collaboration between development and operations teams. This approach breaks down silos and enables faster, more reliable deployment of network services.
  3. Adopt Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Manage network configurations through code to enhance consistency and traceability. IaC facilitates the automation of testing and validation processes, ensuring that changes are thoroughly vetted before deployment.
  4. Leverage External Services: Utilize automation-as-a-service and network-as-a-service providers like FullCtl, who specialize in this work and have already built successful NetDevOps teams that you can leverage on a fractional basis. This allows businesses to focus on their core operations while benefiting from advanced network automation.

The right NetDevOps team fosters the development of cross-functional skills and the use of efficient tools. Whether sourced internally or through service providers like FullCtl, the goal is clear: enhance network automation and streamline operations for greater business agility.

Thriving in the Future of Network Operations

Embracing the NetDevOps model leads to improved services, resource savings, and superior user solutions. Equip your business with the right team, tools, and strategy to future-proof your network operations.

At FullCtl, we are committed to providing solutions that leverage automation, intent-based networking, and DevOps practices to create more agile, efficient, and resilient networks.

Join us in shaping the future of network management. Together, we can embrace these changes and harness their potential to create networks that are more responsive, reliable, and capable of meeting the growing demands of your business, and your customers.

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